Friday, August 12, 2011

Beach Week

Beach Week finally arrived!  My family has been going to the beach for a week ever since I can remember.  We always had a great time during beach week.  There is a period from about age sixteen to twenty five when we weren't interested in beach week but once you pass that phase of life you realizes how much enjoyment is found hanging out with family for a week.  Since we were in Europe for the last four years we have missed out on beach week.  I did require a week at the beach in Spain every year but that wasn't the same as "beach week".  The girls were really looking forward to going to beach week as well.  I had talked it up a lot and they were excited to be with their cousins.  We had a great time going to the beach and the pool as well as mini golf, go karts and bumper boats.  Having breakfast every morning at my aunts house (the family all stay in housed next to each other so you can go from one to the next easily).  My aunt was amazing and was a short order cook...eggs fried or scrambled, bacon toast, or waffles.  Pretty amazing given there were probably 25 people coming through in the morning!  I'm glad the kids get to experience the big family atmosphere that they have missed out on for the last four years.  It was nice to see they settled right in.

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