Friday, July 27, 2012


This year we missed picking strawberries as the season was over before I had even thought about it but I was ready for blueberry picking season.  I had asked at the local organic farm where we had picked last year and the owner told me the week of July 4th  was usually when the picking began.  The girls and I headed over on July 6th to see what we could find for blueberries.  It is amazing the difference a year makes in the kids picking abilities.  Ali still only filled about half a container but thats about 1/2 more than she picked last year and Sofia picked a whole container worth and then helped me pick enough to fill up Ali's container.  It was much more fun for me this year since the kids were having a good time and were not complaining.  It was not too hot which was nice as well.  We ended up with 9lbs of blueberries!!  Since picking them we have made blueberry pancakes, smoothies with blueberries, blueberry muffins, and blueberry buckle.  We have loads of blueberries now stored in the freezer to last us until next year.

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