Wednesday, November 28, 2012


The girls wrapped up the fall soccer season with a win for the final game.  They had a great season and both really enjoyed playing.  Ali had such fun she has signed up for indoor soccer for the winter and spring town league soccer.  It was fun to watch them play this year.  They had good days and bad days and their team won some and lost some.  They didn't seem overly bothered by the losses but they always knew if they won or lost.  It is interesting to watch them at this age because some weeks they would attack the ball with vigor and other weeks they would shy away from it.  It is funny to see how the brain works with fear.  By the last game though they were fired up and they got that there are times something will hurt but so long as you aren't in major pain you can play through it.  Ali took a ball right to the stomach and you could see her hesitate for a minute but she kept going even though it was slightly uncomfortable.  Sofia tripped over the ball which jammed up into her belly,  I could see her dealing with the pain but she got up and was going to keep going but fortunately her coach pulled her off the field.  I think these are good learning opportunities for them to see that in sports there will be times that something hurts and you can't cry off every time you get a bump.  Learning to play through the bumps shows them that there are times when things are serious and times when they just hurt a little bit.  Don't get me wrong, I do not want my children hurt.  I do not want them to play injured.  I want them to understand the difference between slight discomfort that is fleeting and actual pain threshhold that requires you to stop.  If you quit every time something is uncomfortable you will never be the best that you can be.  They are learning to not be quitters and learning what it takes to succeed weather it is in school, sports, work or crafts.  The best part is they are having a blast learning these life lessons by playing games they love.

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