Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Friends and candy

The girls have really started making friends which I'm happy about.  Two of their friends they met during their tennis lesson in the summer.  The friends, Emma and Kyra, are sisters and they are also 7 and 6 years old so it makes a perfect pairing.  You never know which kids will hit it off with each but these four have really clicked.  They crack me up when they see each other they yell out names and run to each other and give big hugs.  What makes it even funnier is that they have made up candy nicknames for each other.  Sofia is Skittles, Emma is M&M, Kyra is KitKat, and the best one is Ali as Almond joy!  If you notice all the candy names start with the same letter as their first names so I guess they couldn't think of any other candy that started with an A so Ali got Almond Joy.  It is fun to watch them together.

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