Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Sunday River

This past weekend took some juggling to make happen but we managed to get away for the long weekend.  The girls and I drove up to Sunday River on Friday after school.  The trip should have been easy but there was an accident on the highway which extended our time int he car by about an hour and a half.  We did make it up to the condo and got the beds made and I put the kids to bed and read my book while I waited for my brother with his family and my parents to arrive.  They were also stuck in traffic and had a very long drive.  I gave up by 11pm and went to bed.  They arrived around 11:30 to find their beds all made.  I figured that was the least I could do after their 5 hour drive turned into 8 hours.  In the morning we got up and had breakfast together and then headed up to the mountain to watch the Wife carrying contest.  It is a very fun race to watch but I will not be a participant in that race. We went to the craft fair at the mountain and then stopped in one of the shops and got the kids ski helmets since they were 50% off so 2 helmets only cost $60. We had lunch and dropped my parents off at the condo since they wanted to rest and my brother, his wife, son and me and the girls went back to the mountain. We took the lift up to the top and hiked down the mountain. The kids really had fun doing that. It took us about an hour to hike our way down the mountain.  The trails seem much steeper without any snow.  By the time we were near the bottom my thighs were starting to burn!  We took the lift up again once we reached the bottom but took it back down again rather than hiking down a second time.  It was a lot of fun hiking with the kids.  I'm looking forward to doing some hikes next summer with them. 

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