Friday, September 7, 2012

Hair Cuts

The girls have graduated to a proper salon for their hair cuts. Gone are the days of the $10 kids haircut. This was the girls second trip to my hair salon and they love it. They love Brianna cutting their hair and she does such a nice job. This time around they both asked Brianna to blow dry their hair straight. I didn't mind as I like to have my hair blown out straight from time to time but I had to laugh to myself since the girls would quickly learn that blow drying their hair straight on a humid summer day is useless. They were so happy with their straight hair. I too love the feel of my hair when it is straight. I feels so soft and smooth. In any event after watching them preen over themselves in the mirror we went home. As typical of the girls they were immediately out in the back yard to play. When they came in a little while later I said, "well so much for straight hair.". They both had a shocked look and went to the mirror. With sadness they realized their soft straight hair had gone the way of frizz and up in a ponytail it went. I explained about humidity again and told them not to worry we can blow dry it straight come winter time and off they went to continue playing.

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