Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Southwick Zoo

We hadn't been to the Southwick zoo since before we had moved to Prague.  The girls didn't remember it since they were so little (Ali spent the entire visit on my back in the baby back pack).  It was on our list of things to do since moving back to the States so when my brother said that he was going to go to the zoo with his sons we decided to join in.  The kids would get to go to the zoo and see their cousins at the same time.  My nephew Johnathon was in town from Ohio so I really wanted the girls to see him one more time before he headed back home.  My mom also joined us for the trip to the zoo.  The kids love being with their cousins, uncles, aunts, and grandparents and they love animals so it was a win all around!  I think the highlight of the day for all of them was watching the rhinos poop but even I have to admit it was interesting.  They all got some good laughs and had a fun time walking around the zoo together.  It is so nice that the kids all get along so well.

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