Friday, February 15, 2013


Ali first lost tooth.  A little bloody but you
can see that her adult tooth is already in
behind it!
The girls had their dental cleaning at the end of January.  They both look forward to the dentist which is so strange to me.  I really really dislike the dentist.  I don't like cleanings because 1. it still irritates my gums.  I don't understand how the hygienist is surprised about it.  You are jabbing a metal pokey thin at my gums!  That is not pleasant! 2.  I'm just stressed out the whole time for fear they will tell me I have a cavity.  I don't like cavities because they hurt!  Therefore there is nothing good about going to the dentist.  Fortunately I have not passed this dislike to the kids and they enjoy going and look forward to their prizes at the end.    Sofia came out with no cavities again but Ali did not fair so well and she came out with her first cavity.  The upside for Ali is that she also came out with her first lost tooth since the dentist gave her wiggly tooth the final pop that it needed to come out.  She asked Ali if she wanted it out to which Ali was very excited.  She has been awaiting this day for years!  The dentist put some numbing gel on it and out it came.

Ali was a little nervous to go to the dentist to get her cavity filled and I thought surely this will be the end of liking the dentist.  I was wrong.  She said it was a little scary and that the Novocaine shot hurt a little but but it wasn't bad.  I guess I'm lucky that my kids have no fear of the dentist.

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