Friday, February 15, 2013

Ski Weekend

After a very busy week and Jason being away in Prague all week we headed north for a ski weekend.  Friday was a ridiculously busy day for me.  I got the kids fed, house cleaned, and Watson in the car to drive down to my parents house by 8:30AM.  Got to my parent's house and had a nice chat and tea with my mom then headed back home to pack the car with all the stuff required for a ski weekend.  I picked the kids up from school and brought Sofia to piano lesson.  After piano lesson I dropped Ali at her friend's house to play before she and her friend went to their indoor soccer game.  I brought Sofia to swim practice, dropped into Target for a few last supplies, picked Sofia up from swim practice and drove to Ali's soccer game.  We arrive just after the start of the game.  Ali's team did great and won 8-0.  Ali played great and stayed in position.  She really hustled and I kept all my "helpful" comments to myself and just cheered her on.  After soccer we headed home for the kids to shower and meet up with Jason who was just returning from Prague. We ordered pizza, picked it up and hit the road to head north to Maine.  It was a VERY long day and contained about 8 hours of driving me for but it was nice to finally reach the condo and have my brother's still up and waiting for us.  We brought the kids straight in to bed since it was about 11PM, unloaded the car and hung out with my brother's until we just couldn't stay up anymore.

The next morning we headed up to the mountain for 9AM so the girls could get to their all day ski lesson.  Jason and I skied on our own on for the morning.  It was nice to ski some harder terrain.  I was definitely out of practice and it took a couple runs to get my confidence back.  In addition my right thigh is so much weaker than my left and I could feel the weakness on the steep terrain.  It was very annoying but I tried to just push as hard as I could and work my way through it.  After a couple of runs through the trees my confidence was back and skiing was great.  We joined up with my brothers and their families for lunch and skied a couple more runs with them before heading off on our own again.  I bailed a little early because my right leg was done for and I just didn't feel like it could take much more without causing a fall.  Jason headed to the top of the mountain for one more run then we picked up the girls from their lesson.  They both had a great day.  They were in different groups since Sofia is a slightly stronger skier than Ali right now.  Sofia's group headed off to the blue and black runs which she was thrilled about.  They also gave her poles for the first time which she has been begging to use.  Ali's group stayed on the green trails which Ali thought was a little easy and there was a boy in her group who was under dressed so they ended up having to take a lot of breaks but she had fun.  She worked on keeping her skis parallel and making a hockey stop as opposed to the pizza stop she has been making.  After a fun day of skiing we headed back to the condo to get changed and headed out to dinner with the whole family.

We headed out on Sunday and everyone skied together.  We took one run down a steeper bumped up/icey blue trail that wrecked Ali confidence for the morning and she was so hesitant to go fast.  We stopped for lunch and decided we would take a long leisurely lunch so Ali could regroup.  My brothers and their families headed out quickly after lunch so we ended just skiing as our family after lunch and both Ali and Sofia rocked it.  Ali beat back her fear of the mountain and let it rip down some green and blue trails.  We headed into a flatter section of woods and while Sofia was a little nervous, Ali loved it.  We took another run in the trees and then the third time Jason led us into the trees at a higher point on the mountain.  Neither one of us realized that it was not the same location but once you are in the trees there is nothing you can do but ski down.  It was a much steeper narrower section but the kids did great.  Ali started to get a little nervous and started to snow plow but Jason quickly corrected her and she got back into parallel position and completed the trip through the woods.  Neither one of the kids realized we had brought them into the woods in a different place so once we were through it Jason told them that it was different and much steeper than he expected.  They were very excited and proud of themselves for getting through it and having fun.  We made a couple more runs and called it a day.  I can't remember the last time we skied until 4pm.  It was great!  After all that it definitely called for some apres-ski so we headed into town for buffalo wings and mozzarella sticks.

As you can see the girls were pretty comfortable hanging out at the bar....:)

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