Tuesday, January 22, 2013

My Hip/groin/thigh

So, after running the marathon I had ankle pain which I dealt with and didn't run for a month.  At the same time my hip/groin were very tight and hurt to rotate out.  I assumed this was just tightness so I largely ignored the issue.  All I really cared about was getting my ankle better so that I could run.  Well, my ankle healed and I went back to running.  My hip/groin issue has still not resolved itself.  It does not hurt when I run but I figured after 3+ months I should probably have it looked at to make sure I was not doing any damage by running.  I went to an orthopedic doctor to have him take a look.  He felt around and took an ex-ray.  Of all the issues that could be wrong in the hip/groin area there is no injury that is a perfect fit for my symptoms.  This, by the way, is the same thing I came up with when I researched online to try to diagnose myself.  He told me to go to physical therapy to see if they can help gain some more flexibility in that area and if that doesn't work then I will need to go back and see him at which point he would do an MRI.  He did not feel that doing a MRI was warranted at this point because my symptoms were also not completely inline with anything that would show up on an MRI.  My big question though was, "Can I run?".  He said I can run because it won't do any more damage to anything since it doesn't hurt when I run.  Yippee!  That was really all I needed to hear.  I will make the appointment for physical therapy and I am already going to a massage therapist for deep muscle/sports massage (which I will say is not a pleasant relaxing experience) .  The massages are definitely loosening up my hip/groin/thigh which is great.  I like seeing improvement!  It will be nice to get full mobility back in my hip and full strength in my thigh.

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