Tuesday, January 15, 2013


We drove up to Maine the day after Christmas so that we would be ready to ski on the 27th with My brother Joe and his sons, Michael and Johnathon.  I like this day of skiing because it gives us more time to spend with Johnathon before he goes back to Ohio.  Unfortunately this year we were not able to join them at the mountain.  The 27th saw a foot and a half of snow dumped on the mountain.  The roads between Jason's parent's house and the mountain were not going to be good as they are not heavily trafficked roads and it is a 45 minute drive on a good day so we decided it would not really be safe to make the trip.  Also, Ali only weights 44lbs and with snow that deep she would have had trouble plowing her way through it.  As the first ski day of the season we did not want it to be a bad experience so we didn't go skiing in the 27th.
We waited a day and headed instead to Shawnee Peak.  I think this ended up being a great decision for the girls.  It gave them a beautiful sunny day with temps in the upper 20's (F) to ski on a mountain that they were familiar with.  We hit the bunny slope once and then they were ready to move on.  We skied a blue trail for most of the day and both girls even popped into the moguls for a little bit.  When the girls were tired we went in for lunch.  I was fine with the lunch break as well because for some reason my feet just can't take the cold anymore.  It is unbearable!  It wasn't even cold out and my feet were freezing.  Jason put my feet on his stomach under his shirt for 15 minutes before the pain/burning stopped.  I was a trooper though :) and headed back out after lunch.  Ali finally started to parallel ski down the mountain rather than snowplowing every turn.  She felt very proud of herself.  She tuckered out first and I brought her into the lodge while Jason took Sofia up to the top of the mountain to hit a black trail.  He says she did great but by the time they reached the bottom she was done.  It was a great day of skiing.  We got the girls some hot chocolate and a snack and then headed back to Jason's Parent's house.  I left the mountain with the decision that I was going to have heaters put into my boots.  I love skiing and I don't want to lose the love for it because my feet are too cold.  I'll let you know how the heaters work out next time I hit the mountain!

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