Monday, January 14, 2013

Christmas Tree

Since December ended up being so busy and the one weekend we had available to get a tree it was raining we decided to just buy a pre-cut tree this year.  There is a nursery about a mile and a half from our house that sells Christmas trees and the owner's daughter is in Sofia's class so we went there.  It didn't take us long to decide on a tree and once the decision was made Sofia was off to find her friend.  Once the tree was tied onto the car we headed home and set it in the tree stand in the garage since it was soaking wet.  The next day we brought it in and set it up.  Jason and the girls worked on putting the lights on the tree and then FINALLY we were ready to decorate.  The girls each put a couple of ornaments on the tree and our house lights dimmed and then went out in half our house, including the room the tree is in.  After a little detective work we realized that one of the stems coming into the electrical panel from outside had no power so we called the electric company.  They said they would send someone out to the house.  As you can imagine this put a damper on our tree decorating.  We had to stop decorating, eat dinner by lantern and then had the kids get ready for bed.  The electric company showed up around 9:30PM and fixed the problem which was the connection to the house on the outside.  In any event a couple nights later we were able to finish decorating the tree.  We were all excited to finally have a tree that had an excellent top stem to use our Christmas star that we bought in Vienna!

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