Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Hip Update

I saw the doctor a couple weeks ago for my hip.  It was a great check-up!  He cleared me to start skiing which is great because going up north for a ski weekend and having to stay at the house when everyone goes off to have fun at the mountain kinds of stinks.  The other big news was that he has cleared me to start running on the treadmill.  I can increase my distance on the treadmill by 1/4 mile a week.  I'm up to 3/4 of a mile now and it feels fine.  I get to increase my mileage up to the 2 miles mark and then I have to hold steady until July and then I CAN RUN OUTSIDE!!!!  I can't wait to be able to hit the roads again.  It will make my workout schedule so much more flexible and running outside is WAY more fun than running on the treadmill!  I do have to take it slow and if my hip starts to get sore I will have to pull back a bit but I've been good about not pushing it for this long I can follow instructions to the home stretch.  The anchors that are in my bone take two years to be absorbed by the body so until they are completely absorbed I will have to make sure I am babying my hip.  I don't want my body to attack the anchors after all the work I have put into having my hip fixed.

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