Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Back to Work

I had toyed with the idea of going back to work for a while but there didn't seem to be a way to work it out.  The kids schedules are so busy and I did not want to take away from them in order to go back to work.  I started looking to see if I could find a part time job that would be interesting, local, and flexible.  It seems impossible right?? Well I have found it!  I accepted a job at Faith Community Church as a Communications Associate.  It is a new challenge for me and a change from my career in Human Resources.  I have been working for a week and a half and everyone seems very friendly.  I'm still learning the ropes as one does in a new job.  It will be something to challenge my brain and gives me the flexibility to work 9am-2pm while the kids are in school.  If one of the kids is sick I can stay home with them or if there is a snow day I don't have to worry about coverage.  The kids schedules can stay the same too which is great.  Of course it means I have a lot more on my plate since I am now working 24 hours a week but Jason and the girls are going to have to help out more around the house.  I think we can make it work.  It will be good for the kids to see that Moms can work and it will be good for everyone to help out around the house to see how much work goes in to keeping the house running smoothly.  I'm still fitting my exercise in but it is definitely a challenge.  I am having to be very flexible.  I will do split work outs where I do cardio for half and hour and then a few hours later get in the weights.  Flexibility is the key for all of us so we will see how this new chapter in our lives goes.

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