Monday, April 6, 2020

Fast Forward

I've been thinking about getting back to writing. It has been a while and a lot has happened since my last post. I did go back to work and did so for 4 years. It was fun and challenging. After 4 years of non-stop 5:45am - 9:45pm I decided I had enough and needed to slow down. The girls were busy with school and sports. Ali was at the gym every night from 5-9pm and Sofia had swim club every night and it was a 45-minute drive from home. I had started having trouble getting a full breath and realized that the stress of going full throttle for so long was taking its toll on me. I gave my notice and decided to stay home. It ended up being perfect timing because that summer we had a new septic system installed and put in an inground pool.  Two large projects that now I had time to manage!  The girls and Jason decided it was time for a change too. Ali decided she was done with gymnastics and Sofia decided she needed a break from club swim. Jason changed jobs and was not traveling very often. Now we went from non-stop speed to all being home for dinner.....sitting down at 6pm and realizing we had 4 hours until bedtime! That felt like an eternity. Anyway, life carried on and school started up. I was feeling achy and old and still had trouble getting a full breath.  I got a "cold" in December but kept doing all of my to-do lists including working out and running. By mid January I was still sick and went to my primary care doctor since I just couldn't seem to kick it and I was so tired! Nothing came of it and he told me it was a cold. Skip ahead a couple months and I changed doctors....low and behold I had mono and lyme disease. Crazy times....was I badass for keeping up with all my activities through mono and lyme or a little crazy for not taking it easy? I choose to think badass. :) Decided to have the family tested for lyme and both girls had it as well.  All on meds and the girls cleared up pretty quick. Apparently, I had mine for much longer so a year later I'm still on meds but hopefully will be wrapping them up soon. This leads me to my next post....the time of Coronavirus or COVID-19 whichever you prefer to call it.

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