Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Technology Adjustments

We all use technology in some form.  We accept that it is part of every day life.  I would like to also acknowledge that using technology has limitations and challenges.  For those people that are feeling challenged by it right now in the "time of Corona" I want to say you are not alone! Making changes on the fly to new products, services, and delivery mechanisms is challenging whether you are a baby boomer, Gen X, Millenial, Gen Z etc. It is hard because you aren't just making technology adjustments. You are making adjustments to communication. You are making adjustments to limit interpersonal contact. You are making adjustments to your personal freedoms whether to protect yourself, someone you love, or people you don't even know.

How do we stay truly connected without face to face interaction? How do teachers know if their students are understanding the material in real-time if they can't pick up on body language in a classroom? How do people stay focused for hours on end in front of a screen if they are used to having breaks between meetings or classes? How do teams build camaraderie if the only thing they do is interact in a meeting? These are real-world problems that once acknowledge can lead to change. I am a big proponent of voicing fears and concerns because until they are given a voice they just sit and fester and hold us back. How can we impact change if we can't admit that change is needed? I'm also a proponent of voicing positivity and laughing about life when it is ridiculous. So I will leave you with some positive thoughts/things to think about today.

1. Try a tele-walk with someone.  When we can't walk literally with a person put your earphones in
and your phone in your pocket and go for a walk at the same time that your friend/mom/dad/sibling etc do the same. It is amazing how refreshing this can be.

2. Go for daily walks or just sit outside in your yard, patio, driveway. Fresh air and sunshine do wonders for our mental health.

3. Get exercise. This doesn't mean start a really intense workout regimen. Start slow...go for a walk. If you feel like you are ready for more than a slow walk then try to speed up. Maybe graduate to a couch to 5K program. Check out some online streaming programs like www.dailyburn.com that have so many workout options for every fitness level. I'm happy to give ideas for programs or help you find a couch to 5K programs that would work for you.

4. Look at this time as a gift to try things you haven't tried, start eating healthy, start exercising, start calling people that you haven't spoken to in a while because life was so busy.

5. You can do this! Look at today and see what step you can take to make your life better than it was yesterday. Being positive is possible...start training your brain today so see the good.

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