Friday, April 10, 2020

Stay at Home Life

Now that I have done a post on the work/life balance let's get some humor on my role as a stay at home mom. My life has not seen a major shift. I didn't go into the office anymore anyway. It was normal to not talk to people during the day. Yes, I miss running with my girlfriend but otherwise, my conversations during the day were limited to talking to my mom on her drive to work or talking to my brother at random times during the day. So really not much has changed....except that now it feels a little weird to have people in my house during the day that I don't speak to! They are there....seems like we should speak but we don't.  They have things to do. Jason has work which is just as busy as ever. The girls have zoom classes, homework, piano, art, and fitness that they work on daily. This was very weird to me to have them home but really inaccessible to me. I won't was hard to adjust. I kind of felt like "no one cares what I'm doing". That wasn't a good feeling. But then I realized that if I treated the days as business as usual then it wasn't about them not wanting to do things with me. It was about them doing the things they need to get done. It wasn't about me ignoring them. It was about me completing my daily tasks. I went back to running business as usual for myself. No more waiting around for them to be ready to do something with me. So what does this mean for me? I don't have to work out crazy schedules to get the kids where they need to be nor do I have to be ready to pick up at 2pm. My day just got longer with free time! I go for runs in the woods around my house, I go on nice long walks while talking to my mom, I work out either by myself or with one of the kids if it coincides, I continue to clean my house, make healthy meals,  and have started looking for projects that can get done. I decided to revamp my blog and have taken on being a Beautycounter Consultant. Things that are necessary, fun, and engaging.

I'll leave you today with a funny story from my cleaning adventures yesterday. I vacuumed and then began washing my floors. As I'm washing Jason came in the kitchen to get lunch so I paused and let him do his thing. I continued on once he left the kitchen and then onto the living room, hallway and the room the girls' desks are in. Once I got there I realized Sofia wasn't at her desk.

"Where's Fi?" I asked.
"I'm in the kitchen," she said.
"Ugh, I just washed the floor!", I said.
"Oh don't worry I have my crocs on," she said.

Do you see the humor there? I'm so happy I will have croc prints on my wet floor. Was it the shiny floor or the stools up on the counter that you missed as clues to a wet floor? I can choose to get mad and upset that she walked on my wet floors or I can laugh at the ridiculousness of it. I choose laughter because if this is the worst of how my life will have to adjust to Corona....people interrupting my cleaning, leaving dishes on the counter, lunch spanning from 11:30am-1:30pm, etc. I've got it pretty good. And if she doesn't pick up on the cleaning clues in the future I think washing floors may have to be added to their chore list!😂😂

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