Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Maine without Jason

Jason had to work on Saturday but since we had already signed the girls up for the multi week program of ski lessons I loaded them up in the car on Friday night and headed to Maine without Jason.  We hit traffic on the highway since there were two accidents so it took me an extra hour to get to Maine but the kids did great.  We stopped for pizza on the way and arrived around 8:30pm.  I let the kids run around and say his to Grammie and Grampa while I unloaded the car but then herded them right up to bed.  On Saturday the kids had ski lesson all day which meant I had the whole day to ski by myself.  I have decided I do not enjoy skiing all by myself when it is 10F with no sun and light snow falling.  I ended up coming in after only three runs because my toes were so cold.  It took an hour for them to warm up to the point of not being painful.  I had to focus on mot hyperventilating because i was in such discomfort.  I definitely could have used Jason there to baby me.  After finally warming up I decided I would do two runs top to bottom and then come in to warm up for 20 minutes.  This saved me the pain of freezing my feet and meant I didn't have to stay in for an hour.  I found a very short bumps run which helped with the cold since I actually had to do some work rather than just cruising down groomers and that was a lot of fun.  It is interesting how you learn things about yourself when you are all alone.  I learned that I wasn't really having a lot of fun just going fast down groomers that really my joy of skiing comes when I'm on a mogul run.  My new skis and boots make the moguls so much easier to ski now since I don't have to man handle my ski since my boot is so snug it immediately responds to my movement.  I finished up skiing for the day and brought my things back to the car so that I would be ready for the girls when they finished.  They had a great time skiing and were not cold at all.  Ali's only complaint was that her hands got a little cold because her gloves were all wet.  I was surprised to here that since we just bought her new gloves this season and they were meant to be waterproof.  She was not joking though.  I couldn't believe when I felt the was like a sponge!  We called it a day and headed back to Jason's parent's house.  The girls had a half day lesson on Sunday and didn't want to leave the mountain to go home. They seem to truly love skiing.

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