Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Meeting of the Eagles

Sofia's school has a "Meeting of the Eagles" every so often.  I assumed it was just an assembly for the children so I never attended.  The last meeting of the Eagles Sofia asked me to attend and proceeded to tell me whose parents were at the last meeting of the Eagles.  I told her I would go and when I arrived I was shocked at how many parents were there.  I had no idea this was a big parent event.  I had even asked at the beginning of the year and was told that I could come if I wanted but didn't have to.  This implied to me that it really was more for the children.  Anyway, I went into the gymnasium and had difficulty finding a seat becuase there were so many parents!  I saw Sofia and she was happy I was there.  I'm glad I went becuase it is more than just an assembly.  The kids sing and there are kids playing instruments.  The 3rd graders all played hot cross buns on their recorders while the second graders sang the song.  It was quite a performance.  I finally got to see Swoops, the school mascot.  It was nice to see Sofia there with all the kids around her.  The children all seem to have a good time.  One of the things they did was "The Coming and Going of the Rain".  It was quite impressive and really did sound like rain.  I'm still working on figuring out the video on my new camera so please forgive the quality of my footage but here are the kids making rain...

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