Thursday, October 25, 2012

Ankle Pain

After running the marathon my ankle started to bother me.  It didn't hurt during the race but the next day it was quite sore.  I figured it was from changing my stride for the last two mile to compensate for my knee pain so I took it easy and figured it would get better.  It got a little better and I decided to test it out on a short run 8 days after the marathon.  It was a little uncomfortable for the first 1.5 miles at which point I turned around to come home and then it hit...the excruciating ankle pain.  It hurt to run and it hurt to walk.  Unfortunately for me it was the one time I did not bring my phone with me.  My best hope was that my friend was still in her driveway waiting for the bus.  I hobbled back to her driveway but she was gone!  With no other option I jogged back home but only landing on the ball of my foot.  I managed it but it wasn't pretty.  I gave it another two days and it was still quite painful so I called the doctor.  It just didn't seem normal to me since at two days post race all my other muscles were back to normal.  My ankle did not look that bad to me so part of me felt like I was crazy to think it was anything really bad but I couldn't align that with the amount of pain I was feeling.  Anyway, I went to the podiatrist.  I told him about my test run and his response was, "I could have told you just by looking at your ankle that that wouldn't have gone well.".  That made me feel better since he could see that something was up.  He felt around my ankle and sent me for an ex-ray.  He wanted to make sure I hadn't sheared part of the bone.  Fortunately my bones were all intact.  Unfortunately my peroneal tendons are quite inflamed and my ligaments around the front of the ankle are also swollen.  The doctor taped up my ankle to provide support, told me to wear sneakers and take it easy.  I had to ice it every night and absolutely no impact sports.  I did as I was told and went back in to see him on Thursday.  The tendons are doing better but are still inflamed so its another week of tape and no impact.  He did say I could bike so I may have to do that this week so I don't lose my mind.  I'm hoping this is the last week with tape and then one week without tape and I'll be back to running.  Dang that Baxter Boulevard and its did me in on the last mile.  Oh well, at least I beat four hours!!

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