Thursday, October 4, 2012

Happy Birthday to Me!

Yesterday was my birthday.  It's not quite as exciting anymore but I still enjoyed the cake!  I went for a morning walk with my friend Margaret.  Yes, I said walk.  I know that is unusual but after running the marathon on Sunday and my ankle still sore I decided a walk was about all my body could deal with.  It was nice, as always, to be with Margaret and have a good chat.  Since it was my birthday I tried to be as laid back as possible but the kids only have a half day.  While Ali was off at a friends house after school, Sofia was home with me.  I thought it would be good for her to have some down time and it was give her time to read, do math facts, and practice piano and still have time to do what she wanted to do.  Of course this meant it wasn't particularly relaxing for me but such is a birthday of a mother!  Jason worked from home so I was able to pick Ali up from her play date and leave her at home when I took Sofia to swim lesson.  One of the highlights of the day was after swimming when Jason cooked and did the dishes.  I didn't have to lift a finger which was very nice.  I got to enjoy veal saltimbocca with spinach followed by chocolate cake with cannoli filling.  A nice way to finish off the day.  Here is  picture of me with my jewels and crown courtesy of Sofia and Ali.

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