Wednesday, March 13, 2013

1st Cavity

Unfortunately Ali had her first cavity.  Now up until this point we put the fear of the drill into the kids to make sure they brush their teeth properly.  You know how it goes..."Did you brush well?? You don't want a cavity do you? You know they take a drill and have to drill into your tooth if you get a cavity and it is not fun."  Once the first cavity was found I had to back pedal...."No, it won't be bad.  They will numb up your gum and then give you a needle with Novocaine   You will barely feel a thing....maybe a slight pinch from the needle but that's it."  Since this was Ali I could pull this off.  She doesn't mind needles and in fact likes to watch them go into her arm so the thought of a needle in her gum didn't bother her at all.  So while I am not thrilled Ali had a cavity I am glad she was the first one to get one and not Sofia.  Ali was a trooper.  She went back to the dentist chair without me.  I waited anxiously in the waiting room hoping that she was doing ok.  She finished and came out and the doctor said she did great.  Ali said it was a little scary but no big deal. Phew....first cavity done with!  Of course now I've lost my leverage on good brushing practice!

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