Wednesday, March 13, 2013


The blizzard of 2013.  The girls were very excited and a little nervous about the idea of a blizzard.  Fortunately we never lost our power so really it just meant a lot of snow and cancelled school.  Does it get better than that for kids?  We ended up with about two feet of snow.  It made for a couple rounds with the snow blower and shoveling but we all had a lot of fun.

I had to shovel paths in the back yard for the kids but also for Watson.  The poor dog needed a path to get to the woods so that he could pee/poo.  I, of course, had to make multiple paths so he would have plenty of options!  I shoveled out two sledding trails also but they really were not good for sledding b/c the slow was so grippy but the next day they were good and we had a few races.  The kids were not as interested in the sledding though.  They wanted to find fairy houses, build a snow fort under their swing set and jump off their swings into the snow.  They had a lot of fun making snow balls
jumping off the patio into the snow, and building up the snow around their playground to make their own fort.

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