Sunday, March 3, 2013

Hair Cut Time

 Since the girls have curly long hair they don't need haircuts very often.  I try to bring them before school starts, sometime in the winter and then again in the spring.  With all their after school schedules their winter haircuts were put off until February.  A little longer than ideal but such is life.  They love going to the salon and they love they way Brianna cuts their hair.  The other benefit to getting their hair cut is that Brianna always straightens their hair for them.  She, of course, does a much better job then I do and does it much quicker than I do.  The girls love it.  Once they are done they can't get enough posing and twirling around to make their hair fly out around them.  I don't blame them.  Having curly hair blown straight is such a nice feeling.  It is so soft and smooth and just feels so different.  I'm glad they enjoy it and yet still love their naturally curly hair.  Sofia only got to keep her hair straight for a day this time though since she had swimming the next day.  Ali managed to keep her hair straight for over a week.  I had to touch it up with the flat iron but after a week and a half I told her she had to wash it.  It is hard to explain why since naturally curly hair is drier it can go a long time without washing before it looks greasy.  In the end overall cleanliness won out and she washed it but thanks to Brianna's awesome hair cutting skills Ali loves her curly hair as well.  No more triangle hair for this girl!

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