Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Our New Home!!!

Finally we closed on our new home!!!  Jason flew back from Prague on June 21st and we closed on our house on the 22nd.  My Aunt Carlene was able to take the kids for the day so that Jason and I could get a lot done on the 22nd.  We are very grateful that Carlene took the kids since it made our lives much easier and the kids had a fantastic day...the zoo, hide and seek and Carlene's house, and a trip to the movies....way better than tagging along with Mom and Dad.  Jason and I headed up to the house for our final walk through before the closing and then off to the attorney's office to sign all the paperwork.  The funds came through in the morning and we signed all the paperwork so we were new homeowevers by lunch time!  After completeing that we headed up to the department of motor vehicles to get new licenses and then to a car dealer to see if we could purchase two cars.  By 10:30 at night we were also owners of a Mazda cx9 and a Mazda3. It was a a busy day but we got a lot accomplished..new house, new drivers licenses and new cars. 

My mom watched the kids on Friday and I came up to the house to be here when the movers arrived.  To my surprise the movers were at the house early!  They were friendly and efficient and were finished just after lunch time.  I did a little unpacking and laundry then picked Jason up from the train and headed back to my parents house for our last night before moving into our new home.  On Saturday we had a nice big family breakfast with my parents and then Jason and I headed up to our house to get some unpacking done.  My mom came up with the kids in the afternoon and then drove us to pick up our new cars.  We drve back home and then my mom continued on to her house.

Phew...we made it.  It has been a tough two months of transition but we made it through and we are now back to living life as a family.  It is nice to be home!