Sunday, July 17, 2011


Now that we are in our new house I have been busy unpacking.  Trying to find a place for everything is a challenge.  It isn't a lack of space since we have about triple the space we had in Prague.  It is just figuring out where to put everything that makes sense.  We also decided that our big bookcase from Prague doesn't really work in any space in the house so we are using it for storage in the garage.  The bookcase we were using as a TV stand in Prague has gone into the basement for the girls play area also so we are down two bookcases.  Not having those bookcases means we have about ten boxes of books sitting in our dining room.  Maybe I should put them in the center of the room with a tablecloth on them since we don't have a dining room table yet either!  Our dining room table is still at my parents house so we will have to bring that up soon as well.  We have slowly been bringing things from my parents house since when we moved to Prague we stored half of our stuff at my parents.  We are not in any great rush since we did without all that stuff for four and a half years.  We have gone through and culled out the more important items...blender, stand mixer, grill. 

Getting our grill set up has been our nemesis.  We brought our Weber grill back from Prague only to find out that there is no way to convert it for American usage.  Once we found this out we decided our next trip to my parents house we would bring back our old Weber grill.  We got it home and new that we would need to order a couple parts for it since it had the old propane connection.  Jason order the new connection thing and a new ignitor switch and chose two day shipping.  As luck would have it the ignitor switch came in two days but we are still waiting on the connector piece...the piece that we actually NEED to use the grill!  It is very frustrating but hopefully by the middle of this week we will be grilling again.

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