Sunday, July 17, 2011

Settling In

We have been settling in to our new home.  Jason has been trying out leaving at different times to test the commute and traffic.  The girls and I have been checking out our town and the surrounding area.  We have been to the town beach a few times.  The town beach is just 3 miles from our house and it is a resident only beach.  I love that is it is so close and resident only becuase that means it is not crowded with people.  The beach is small but has never been busy when we have been there.  The water at the beach is shallow so the kids have a great time playing and can go out quite a way before it gets too deep.  It is nice to have something so nearby that we can go to to cool off.  Being away from New England for four and a half years means I have to readjust to the humidity.  I definitely did not miss it while we were away!

The girls started tennis lessons offered through the town this last week.  They had lessons every day except Friday and the coaching is very good.  They have a lot of fun and they have made big improvements from the beginning of the week to the end of the week.  They have lessons this coming week as well.  Having the lessons has also given all of us a chance to make friends.  On Thursday afternoon we joined some new friends at a pool for an afternoon of swimming.  We met more people at the pool so we are starting to make new friends which is great for the kids and is awesome for me to have some other adults to talk to and be around.  I'm going out for drinks on Tuesday night which will be my first night out since leaving Prague!  I am looking forward to it!!  So far life is working itself out and it seems like we chose a great town to call home.

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