Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Happy Birthday Dad and Joe!!

Last week was my Dad's and my brother's birthdays.  This is the first birthday since 2005 that I have been able to celebrate their birthdays with them.  I picked up cards for both of them and made a custard pie for my dad since it is his favorite and once the kids were home from school on Friday we drove down to my parent's house.  The kids were so excited to wish them happy birthday and to play with their cousin, Michael.  It was an added bonus for us that my Aunt Carlene and Uncle Harry were there since I did not expect them.  The kids were excited to see them as well especially when they came in with all the Christmas presents to leave at my parents.  Ali wanted to open hers right then but I told her they had to stay there until Christmas Eve so now she is counting down the days!  Anyway, the kids had a blast playing together and they get along so well that as parents we don't have to worry about anything and can sit is chat.  We sat down for a Chinese food dinner followed by ice cream cake and then the kids were off and running again.  My Dad had put out the deer food so the kids spent sometime staring out the window watching the deer come into the yard to eat but otherwise they just ran around nonstop.  It was so nice to just be able to drive down for dinner and cake and spend time with my family that we ended up staying later than I had planned and didn't get home until close to ten o'clock.

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