Tuesday, December 6, 2011


After getting the yard in order we were ready to head into Thanksgiving week.  The kids had a half day of school on Wednesday so we had planned to drive up to Maine after school.  I, fortunately, was organized and had almost everything packed for the girls and myself by Tuesday afternoon.  I did not want to feel rushed on Wednesday.  I'm glad I did that because when I got the girls to swim practice I got the call from Jason...."Matt says there is a big storm coming and it should hit Maine about 2am."  So as soon as the girls were done with swimming we went home and finished packing and loaded the car and headed for Maine.  We got there just ahead of the storm with about thirty minutes to spare before it started at 11:30pm.  I'm glad we left Tuesday night because it snowed most of the next day and accumulated over a foot of snow.  Jason's brother arrived about 2am so had to drive in some of it but at least most of his drive was not in a foot of snow.  We all relaxed on Wednesday and did not do much of anything except that the kids played together and Ali got her hand closed in a door. 

Thursday we went outside with the kids to enjoy the snow.  I'm glad I packed all the snow gear because we all had a blast in the snow.  We all wore our orange so as not to be shot by any crazy hunters and headed out into the woods where we had a great snowball fight.  Of course it ended how all snowball fights end...with a child inadvertently getting hit in the face by a snowball meant to go from one adult to another.  Oh well, a few tears and Sofia was ready to move on.  She was a trooper. 

We had a great Thanksgiving feast with all the trimmings and then we all relaxed again.

By Friday the swelling and pain had not gone down on one of Ali's fingers so I took her off to the emergency room.  Fortunately for us the emergency room was not busy at 8:30am the day after Thanksgiving so we got in fairly quickly.  They took x-rays of her hand and said it was fine.  If there was a hairline fracture it would not show on the x-ray yet though so the doctor just said to keep an eye on it and let the pain be her guide as to what she can do.  This was good advice for me since Ali had been doing non-stop hand stands and I would have told her to stop doing them but the doctor said if she can deal with the pain of doing them then she should be fine.  I'm not sure he knows my children though since Ali continued to do the handstands and after a while of them she would come ask for ice to put on her finger.  Maybe she is a natural gymnast....continuing on through the pain!  Anyway, after getting the all clear from the doctor we headed back to the house to meet up with everyone in order to head into North Conway to do some shopping.  We weren't planning on doing any major shopping as in years past as we have pretty much already finished our Christmas shopping but it is always fun to take a look in some shops.  While we weren't doing major shopping we did purchase a major item...new skis for me!  Since our skis were stolen lost Jason and I have been looking at skis.  I finally decided which ones I wanted and one of the shops in North Conway had them at a good price so we bought them.  We enjoyed lunch together at one of the restaurants in town and then continued our shopping. 

On the way back to the house we stopped at Walmart to pick up a game for us to play at night.  We decided on Apples to Apples.  The game is hilarious and with a few drinks is even funnier.  It took us late into the night and had us laughing a lot.  I highly recommend it for anyone looking for a new game.

Before leaving on Sunday we went and cut greens and made our holiday wreath.  To be honest, Jason's brother Matt and his daughter Keely did all the cutting of greens and the rest of us stood around or played in the snow.  Sofia ended up getting a stick just above the eye so I walked her back to the house and cleaned her up.  She was fine but I'm sure it did hurt.  Jason's mom prepped all the wreath making for us and then the girls and I prepared the pieces of greenery and handed them to Jason to tie onto the wreath.  It was a nice family project and out wreath turned out nice.

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