Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Swimming/ New friends

The girls swimming is going well.  We realized that Ali's friend, Chloe, (from her bus) is in Sofia's group for swimming.  Now they all have a great time together before Sofia and Chloe start their practice.  I also met Chloe's mom, Erika, who is really nice.  I feel like we have a lot in common since she actually grew up in Berlin and her parents are German and French.  It makes me feel right at home to hang out with her.  I met her husband at swimming last week and he is also very nice.  They currently live down the road from us but will soon be moving across town.  We had them over for dinner on Saturday and you never know how it is going to go...will it be easy and fun or will it be awkward.  Well, I'm happy to say that we had a great time!  They are definitely a family that we will be spending more time with.  The kids get along fabulously and played until 11:15pm when they went home without a fight or any fuss happening.  It was a great night.

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