Wednesday, December 7, 2011


On Sunday we brought the kids to see Santa.  He is pretty magical and was available in a couple places nearby over the weekend.  After having the kids up late on Friday night and Saturday night we thought anything was crowds was out.  Fortunately, Harvey's Farm was one of the places that Santa was going to be making a stop.  We figured it would not be very busy there and it wasn't.  We walked in and there was Santa sitting in his sleigh.  The girls walked up to him and Sofia climbed up on the sleigh first.  She didn't have a completely amazed look in her eye but you could tell she was nervous since when Santa asked her what she wanted for Christmas she froze and couldn't think of anything.  We gave her a couple ideas and she was able to add a couple things herself but overall her list at home is much longer than what she told Santa.  Ali cracked me up because before we left to see Santa she told me she was going to look her best...nice clothing, necklace, scarf, her hair brushed and down with a gigantic flower in it.  It was very cute.  When it was her turn to go into Santa's sleigh she was amazed.  She just kept staring at him in utter amazement.  She did come up with a few things that she wanted for Christmas but mainly she just looked at Santa with amazement.

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