Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Happy 8th Birthday Sofia!

Sunday was Sofia's 8th birthday.  I can't believe my baby is eight years old.  We had all the family over on Sunday to celebrate.  When we asked Sofia if she wanted a theme for her party she chose Paris!  I guess I should expect that from our multicultural girls but I was a little surprised.  It was fun though to put it all together.  Thank goodness for Michael's craft store to supply all the necessary items to transform our kitchen/ eat in space into a Parisian restaurant. (Of course I forgot to take pictures until near the end of the party but you can see how it was set up in the picture.)
 I made quiches and bought french cheese and baguettes.  The only item that took some real hunting for was the croissants.  I wanted real buttery flaky croissants like the ones we had in Europe.  You just can't buy them here in the grocery store so I started my search online.  Fortunately I found a wholesale business that is about 45 minutes from us where I could buy a box of sixty pre-proofed (which means I can put them from freezer directly into the oven) butter croissants.  I wasn't sure how they would be but I figured it was worth a shot.  They turned out excellent!  Now I'm happy that we have left over croissants so I can enjoy a little touch of Europe on the weekends.  Anyway, Sofia was very excited to see all the decorations.  We had everyone write messages to Sofia on the blackboard in the kitchen as well which she has been rereading every day.  Some birthday wishes were even written in French...way to go family!  We finished the day putting the girls to bed and telling Sofia all about the day she was born.  She was excited to hear about it and found a lot of it funny.  I can't say I found any of the day "funny" at the time but I know all the pain of child birth was definitely worth it when I look into the eyes of my beautiful eight year old girl.  Happy Birthday Sofia!!