Wednesday, March 7, 2012


We wrapped up our winter of skiing with some nice new snow. Over the girls school vacation week we headed north to get in our final days of skiing. The girl's lessons were finished so it meant we could ski as a family. It was a chance to see how much improvement the girls made this season. I am happy to say they made big improvements. Our final day of skiing was with about seven inches of new snow. I was a little concerned with how the kids would do because anyone who has skied northeastern fresh snow knows that it is not light and airy but heavy as a rock. It is still fun but with the kids little legs I wasn't sure how they would do. They did great. We started off on a green trail which was "easy peasy" so we headed up to a blue trail. The kids did great on the blue. Sofia is starting to parallel ski and Ali is trying hard to bring her skis together. We decided to try them on the headwall which is a black trail to see how they did. Sofia was a little hesitant but did a great job and Ali tackled the hill like it was nothing. As we stopped part way down and looked up the mountain I told the girls how proud they should be but I didn't tell them until we were down at the lift that they had just completed their first black trail. I remember my first black trail and my brother lied to me and told me it was blue. Once I did it he told me the truth but had he told me up front I probably would not have done it that day. I didn't lie to the kids to get them to do the black trail but I definitely withheld information since I knew it would scare them. They were proud to have done it and now that they know they can ski a black trail the blues seem even easier. We did a few more runs and hit another black trail, this time one that was all bumped up. They did awesome! It was a great way to finish up the ski season!

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