Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Super Bowl and Birthday

Now that we are back in the States we can resume our tradition of celebrating the Super Bowl with Jason's brothers.  Fortunately Jason's brother, Graham, was in Boston on business so all the brothers could be together.  We will have to wait until next year when Graham and his family move back to the States so we can have the complete family together.  Jason and I made a plethora of food, way more than necessary, but isn't that part of the Super Bowl?  His family arrived and we broke out the nachos followed by pull brisket sliders, buffalo tenders and BBQ wings.  By the end of the game everyone was stuffed.  Unfortunately as I'm sue everyone knows the Patriots lost the game which was a bit of a downer.  Let's hope for next year and gathering the family together for another party.

With everyone in town for the Superbowl it was the perfect time to celebrate Jason's mom's birthday.  Dan and Diane came down to visit on the Monday after the Superbowl and we all went out to dinner.  It was nice to have everyone gathered around a table again and to enjoy each other company.  Happy 70th Birthday Diane!

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