Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Back to school, swimming and gymnastics....

The kids went back to school last Tuesday.  They were definitely tired by the end of the day on Tuesday.  Sofia did not want to do her homework and had a slight breakdown which is unusual for her so I knew she must have been exhausted.  They had a full on week as well with swimming on Tuesday and Thursday and gymnastics on Wednesday and then we headed off to the Berkshires on Friday night.  By the end of the week though the kids seemed to be doing fairly well.  They really just took Tuesday to be thrown off because by the time swimming came around on Tuesday night they seemed to have their energy back.  They did great in swimming and Sofia's group is better this session.  They completed assessments at the end of last session and a number of the children went back down to lessons so now there are only 8 or 9 kids in her group which means  per lane and the coaches can really take time to correct strokes and really coach the kids.  The coach this session came in at the end of the last session and she is great.  She is loud and really pushes the kids to do their best which is great.  She corrects them when they are doing something incorrectly and the kids really seem to respond to her. 

The girls love doing gymnastics and were excited to head back to it on Wednesday.  It is funny because swimming does not seem to tire them out even though they are doing a lot of work but gymnastics makes them absolutely exhausted.  They leave there with aching legs and arms.  I assume they are using muscles that they are not used to using and that in time the aches will stop.  They don't let it stop them during the session though.  Ali was so proud of herself because she did the best split in the group and won a t-shirt.  It was nice to watch her beam with pride when the teacher had her go in front of the class and show her split.  Sofia is hoping to win the challenge for this week so I will keep you posted.

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