Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Jiminy Peak

Two weekends ago we went out to the Berkshires for the weekend and stayed in a hotel across the street from Jiminy Peak.  We won a "free" weekend so long as we listened to a sales guy talk about why buying a timeshare was good for us.  We didn't care and had no intention of buying but to have a weekend away in a hotel condo that was across from a ski resort for free and have them give us $125 for nothing was good for us.  We didn't end up skiing the entire weekend since conditions were not that good.  We didn't want to pay $160 for the four of us to ski on bad snow.  Saturday ended up being about 50 degrees too so it felt like spring and not a time for skiing.  On Saturday morning we had to do our tour which included a breakfast at a nearby restaurant.  We lucked out on who we had for a sales guy.  Turns out he was from Maine, played hockey and new a kid who went to Jason's high school.  He was very nice and knew we weren't interested in buying so it was just a nice breakfast having good conversation.  After going through the sales pitch which in reality was just us chatting with this guy we headed back to our room to suit up for the pool.  We spent the rest of the day at the pool.  The kids had a blast doing somersaults and flips in the pool.  After the pool we decided to go across to Jiminy Peak to one of the restaurants for dinner.  We decided to head over a little early and just have appetizers for dinner which is always fun to do.  We rented a movie from the front desk and watched Despicable Me with the kids in our room.  On Sunday we packed up all our stuff, checked out and hit the pool for another couple hours before heading home. 

This weekend came at a perfect time.  We had been so busy through Christmas and then the kids jumped right back in to school and all their activities that I think this weekend of playing in a pool was exactly what they needed.

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