Tuesday, January 10, 2012


We are excited to get the kids out skiing more this year.  We have signed the kids up for the seasonal program at a ski mountain near Jason's parent's house.  Our first outing of the season though was before their first lesson this year.  Since my nephew was in town for Christmas and was going to be skiing I didn't want to miss the chance to ski with him so we all went skiing on Tuesday (yes the non stop action of Christmas continues..the 23rd RI, 24th RI, 25 home, 26th Maine, 27 skiing).  It was worth all the hassle to get up there to ski on the 27th just to have one more day with my nephew.  I'm glad we also went because it gave the kids a chance to get their ski legs under them before their first lesson.  I ended up having to take a few runs with Ali before she got the hang of it which meant I didn't get to spend time with the whole group but Ali needed some one on one time without the pressure of keeping up with the group.  We joined back up with the group and made a couple more runs before breaking for lunch.  Ali used up most of her energy muscling her skis around until she figured out how to ski again so she was getting pretty tired.  After lunch we decided to check out a different green trail that was a little more interesting since it isn't quite as wide and is more winding.  It would normally be fine to take the kids on this run and they did excellent but since it was all bumped  up it was a lot of work and by the time we got to the bottom Ali was done for the day.  Ali and I headed into the base lodge to relax while Jason, Sofia, Joe, Johnathon and Michael made a few more runs.  Jason and Sofia came into the lodge next and we called it a day.  I was sad not to say good-bye to my nephew before he went back home to Ohio but the girls were exhausted and it was time to get them back to Grammie's house so they could relax.  It was a fun first day back on the slopes.

The kids had their first lesson of the season a few days later and they did great.  The instructor took them up the magic carpet a couple times but then headed off to the lift.  I was glad we took that day before to get their ski legs going.  Even in the rain (yes it was raining in Maine in JANUARY!!) the kids had a blast.  When their lesson was over at noon they wanted to keep skiing.  Unfortunately it was raining and Jason and I weren't paying to ski in the rain so Ali went down the magic carpet a couple more times and we headed home.

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