Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Movies and Sleeping

This last weekend we did not ski.  Since the kids did not have lessons we decided to take another easy weekend.  The upcoming weekends will be crazy enough that we needed a weekend of rest to gear up for the mayhem ahead.  We did not do much.  The kids played with their toys and have finally made it to the bags of toys from Christmas that were still in the sun room.  We all took turns playing the X Box Kinect.   It is definitely a fun family activity and while it isn't the same as running around outside or doing strenuous activity it is movement and focus for the kids which they need even when they don't want to be playing outside.  Jason and I did a couple workouts and I got a short 3 mile run in on Sunday when it was freezing.  I wasn't going to run since it was so cold and I didn't need to run but after doing a workout with Jason I had the energy and endorphins going so I decided to make use of them and hit the pavement.  On Sunday afternoon we took the kids to see Beauty and the Beast in 3D.  Ali had been asking to go to the movies and even though they have already seen Beauty and the Beast it was on the big screen in 3D so we went.  I think I have now crossed so unwritten line of being old because I took the opportunity at the movies to put my coat around me as a blanket and went to sleep.  I got in a good forty-five minute nap and the kids didn't even notice.  These are the moments of pure heaven...I can sleep and the kids are occupied.  Jason even took a short nap in the theater but Ali woke him up ...I'm glad I sat next to Sofia!

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