Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Math Test Success!!

Since moving back Sofia has been doing very well in school.  Her only difficulty has been in Math.  She had to learn all the U.S. money as well as all the different ways they taught math.  Her problem wasn't necessarily in her ability to do Math but learning how they do math here.  The other issue Sofia has is that she wants to be the best and she wants to be done first.  That is hard when the kids around you have been doing math this way for a year already so she made a lot of silly mistakes from rushing.  We have really spoken to her about not rushing and taking her time to figure out the answers.  I have also been working with her every day after school to learn her addition and subtraction math facts by heart.  Her hard work has paid off when she took her last math test.  All tests have to be signed regardless of how the student does on the test so you can imagine how proud I was of Sofia when I opened her folder to find her math test with 70 out of 70 correct!  She was so happy and proud of herself.  We took a picture and sent it to Jason at work so we could spread the good news.  Here is the picture of Sofia with her math test.

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