Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Changing clothes

Jason came home from work the other day and after coming in to greet everyone he said that he was going to go change.  Once he was upstairs Sofia asked, "why does Daddy always change when he gets home from work?".  I explained that just like she would change out of her school uniform before to comfy clothes that Daddy also likes to change out of his work clothes to comfy clothes.  I said that now that she doesn't have a uniform and can where her comfy clothes to school she doesn't have to change anymore.  This made sense to here and just to confirm we were on the same page she said, "like you don't do anything so you can wear whatever you want.".  I just had to laugh which she realized meant that those words weren't right so she tried again..."I mean you don't work." which also brought on a laugh.  I knew what she was getting at but she couldn't find the correct words to use to express what she was feeling.  Coming from someone else it might bother me but coming from her I'm ok with it.  She knows I do a lot and often says that she finds what I do a lot of boring work and doesn't want to be a mom who has to do everything so I'm not offended by her words but it is funny to hear my daughter say "I don't work" and "I don't do anything".

1 comment:

  1. You don't do anything, 16 miles of running isn't exercise....today's youth are so misinformed. :-)
