Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Ali is number 8.  It was nice to see her getting right in there
 with the opposing team.
Town soccer has arrived.  I have talked about town soccer to the girls for a while since they were so hesitant to play.  I played soccer all growing up and want my girls to enjoy it as I did so I told them all the fun they would have to get them excited to play.  Since we had loads of rain last week both of the girls practices were cancelled but the coaches had the teams meet at Bill's Pizza in town so the kids could meet and hang out together as well as get their shirts and talk to their coach for a little bit.  We showed up to the field on Saturday at 8:30 for Ali's first soccer game.  Her team is not very agressive and they were creamed by the other team but they all  had a great time.  They did manage to score a couple goals which is good since their are no goalies.  Ali had such a good time.  I was thrilled!  After her game Jason and the girls headed home for a while before heading back to the field for Sofia's game at 1pm.  I went for my long run and managed to fit in 16 miles of running and made it back just in time for the start of Sofia's game.  Her team also was not as agressive and lost to the other team but score isn't kept and the kids didn't seem to care.  They had a blast on the field and since their games are one hour long by the end they were beat.

After leaving the game and heading home the kids wanted to play more soccer at home.  They played for quite a while on Saturday and then called it quits near the end of the day.  By then they had had enough exercise.  Sofia even pointed out that Ali, Sofia, and Daddy (since Jason played soccer with them in the backyard) had gotten a lot of exercise and mommy hadn't.  I was astonished and pointed out that I did run 16 miles to which she responded that that was just running and I did 14 last week.  Oh well...I guess I will be playing soccer next weekend to ensure I get enough exercise!

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