Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Polly's Pancake Parlor and Hike

Jason took a day off from work and we headed three hours north to Polly's Pancake Parlor.  We of course justified this trip for pancakes by adding a hike in the mountains.  As we headed north the weather started to cloud over.  This was our first sign of things to come.  We had a few sprinkles along the way but continued on up to Fraconia Notch.  We originally thought we would hike first but since it was lunch time by the time we arrived in Fraconia Notch we were all hungry and we didn't want to have to rush our hike to get to Polly's we went direct to Polly's.  We were surprised that the parking lot wasn't full.  We quickly learned that the reason it wasn't full was because it was closed!!!  Apparently the tree outside of the dining room was struck by lightening and it blew out the electrical systems in the restaurant.  It wasn't a total loss though because their bakery was open for takeout pancakes.  We order our pancakes and ate them on the grass outside Polly's.  This wasn't ideal since you couldn't order all the different options of pancakes and you couldn't get bacon or homemade bread with maple spread but it was better than nothing.  We all enjoyed our pancakes and the kids had fun playing on Trot Trot, the wooden horse.

As we got in the car to drive to the trail head the wind picked up and it started to pour.  We decided it probably wasn't the best time to hike to a open lookout area so we headed to the Basin for a short walk.  Once we got to the Basin the kids wanted to continue to hike and since the rain wasn't bad under the trees we decided to hike up the trail a little bit to see the waterfalls.  The kids loved it and had a great time hiking.  I'm looking forward to actually hiking a mountain with them.  After a bit we headed back down the mountain and headed home.  It was not the day we had envisioned but we all still had fun.

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