Wednesday, September 7, 2011

More time with Cousins

After leaving beach week we headed up to Maine for the weekend to spend time with Jason's brother who was in town with his family from England.  It made for a busy weekend since we had to drive home from the beach on Friday night and depart for Maine on Saturday morning but it was worth it to visit with everyone.  The girls very happy to see their cousins, Alex, Justin and Keira.  They had a great time playing with them in the fields, on the zip line, on the tractors and in the trees.  It was nice to visit with Graham and Beth as well as see Jason's parents too.  With Graham and Beth there I had someone to run with at least for part on my run which was nice especially since it was raining out.  We all ran the first 2.5 miles together and then Beth headed back home and Graham took off at a much faster pace than me but I got to watch him in the distance for a couple miles and then got to say hi when he was on his way back and I was still on my outward journey.  Since we all ran different amounts of time it worked out perfect for showering as well since by the time the next person was back the first person was done showering. We did minimal shopping at the outlets but did manage to get the kids warm winter boots.  I went back into the outlets by myself for a little shopping but it was so crowded that I didn't stay long.  Overall it was a good weekend of spending time with family.  I was happy to head home on Sunday night though since we had been away for the week and it had been non stop activity.  It was nice to finally relax!

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