Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Off to the Fair

Every year as a child we went to the Washington County Fair.  It always fell during beach week but this year it was a couple weeks after beach week but I wanted our girls to experience the Fair that I knew growing up.  I was eagerly anticipating the fair also.  My biggest memory of the fair were the angora rabbits.  They were so fluffy and cute I couldn't wait to see them again and show the kids how cute these rabbits were.  Unfortunately they did not have any angora rabbits at the Fair this year.  The kids didn't seem to mind though.  They were happy enough seeing all the other kids of rabbits along with the chickens, cows, pigs and goats.  I let them choose one ride each since first off they are expensive and secondly I am not a big fan of carnival rides in terms of safety.  Any rides that went up off the ground were out.  Fortunately the girls are happy on carousel type rides.  They played a few games and each won a stuffed animal.  That is the nice thing about the fairs now is that the kids always win something.  I never remember winning anything at fairs.  At least now they know to keep the parents coming back with their money they have to give the kids token prizes.  We had fun checking out the different agricultural stalls and seeing how yarn is made and knitted.  The girls were also interested in how they washed clothes in the olden days.  Of course I had to snap the classic fairground picture with the face in the cutout...

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