Saturday, September 24, 2011


Running has been my outlet for all my feelings.  Moving back to the States has been difficult at times and my feelings have been all over the place...happy, sad, frustrated, excited etc.  I have maintained my running to maintain my sanity.  I can be near to tears and go for a run and come back refreshed and ready to tackle any issue in front of me.  It has been my rock to cling to in this big transition in my life.  It is solid and gives me something that I can have complete control over.  I joked with my friends before leaving Prague that I would probably do a marathon when I moved back to the States because I would have no friends and would just be running all the time.  Well, that statement is only partly true.  I have made friends and I have a lot to do but I need my running to keep me grounded.  I needed a goal to reach and give me focus with my running so I have been training for a marathon.  I NEVER thought I would run a marathon but here I am training for one.  I have been very good at sticking to my training schedule with an easy run, a speed run and a long run.  My easy runs have been a bit longer than planned becuase Jason and I have been running together with the kids on their bikes but it is a very pleasurable run.  My speed work has been more of a challenge but is getting easier.  I have started to run with my friend Margaret who keeps a faster pace.  I will basically run whatever pace the person I'm with is running so if she runs at an 8:12 pace then I do to.  We have actually been playing off each other though so we are both running to keep up with each other which just makes me laugh.  The long runs I've been doing by myself which I think is good since I will be by myself for the marathon.  My long runs increase every week so for the last few weeks I have had a new personal distance every week which feels good to accomplish.  Yesterday I ran my first 20 mile run and while it was not the best run, which I blame on the high humidity, I still completed it without any walking and with an average pace of 9:51 per mile.  I have a few weeks to go before the marathon on October 16th but I'm excited to run it and in addition to running it I'm excited to see my family (parents, aunts, uncles) along the race route since all the long races I've done have been in Prague without my family.  I'll keep you posted on how I do in the marathon.

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