Monday, June 25, 2012

Birthday party with friends

Back Row: Amisi, Amisi's sister, Raelyn, Maggie M, Sydney, Natalie
Front Row: Erin, Jas, Ali, Maggie J, Sofia, Chloe
Since this is our first year back in the States we decided that the girls could have a friend party and a family party.  We wanted them to be able to make good friends this year and have time to play with them but we also wanted a chance for the family to celebrate their birthdays since we haven't been able to do that for the past four years.  Ali decided she wanted the same party as Sofia which meant back to the gym where the girls do gymnastics.  This was fine with me since it meant I had to do very little work for the party.  The gym does such a nice job with the kids that the kids have a blast.  The hour on the gym floor is over very quickly with the kids wanting more time but since the gym time is followed by cake and ice cream the kids eagerly leave the gym floor.  After cake and ice cream Ali opened her presents.  I'm always surprised at how eager the other kids are to watch someone open gifts to which they are genuinely excited for the birthday child.  It is nice to see all the kids happy and having fun.  We finished up the party by giving everyone Chinese jump ropes.  I'm hoping for a resurgence in Chinese jump rope playing on the playground at the kids school next year :)!

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