Monday, June 25, 2012

First Grade Field Day

Ali school held a field day for first graders.  Field day, at least for first graders, is not the competitive athletic event that I remember from child hood.  It is more of a fun day filled with games.  The kids had ten different stations that they moved through as a class.  The had a bag toss, sack race, egg and spoon race, leaky cup race etc.  The kids were very excited at every station.  I had volunteered to help on field day and ended up at the Popsicle station.  Not a very athletic station but one of the kids favorites!  It didn't take them long to suck down their Popsicles though so we filled the time with bubbles and Simon Says.  Since we had a break in our station I took the chance to run over and video Ali in her sack race.  She is a good hopper!

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