Monday, June 25, 2012

Happy Birthday Alessandra!

Alessandra turned 7 on June 16th!!! I can't believe my baby is seven years old!  We invited the family over to celebrate her special day.  Jason and I had done as much prep on Friday night after coming home late from hanging out with our friends as possible.  Saturday morning was a bit hectic as I had a triathlon clinic to attend and Alessandra had gymnastics to go to and Jason had to get the house clean before everyone showed up at 2pm.  I could have skipped the tri clinic but I wanted a chance to swim in my wetsuit in the ocean before my race so we squeezed everything in.  Jason did a great job getting everything together for the party.  Everyone showed up and the weather was great (although it was awful down by the ocean).  Ali had decided she wanted a carnival theme so we had the kids play bean bag toss, held egg and spoon race and had a sack race.  After burgers/dogs and different salads the kids were off and playing.  The girls have a good time with their cousins and always look forward to being with them.
Thanks to everyone for coming and celebrating Ali!

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