Thursday, June 28, 2012

Pool Time

School is out and it has been HOT!  We have been heading to the pool every chance we get.  The girls love just being able to play in the water.  Their friend Mia has been at the pool as well which has led to endless entertainment.  It keeps the kids having fun and in the water endlessly and gives me a chance to relax in the pool and chat with my friend Stacey.  I have done my laps of the pool as soon as we get there so I can feel like I'm still actively training for my triathlon and then I can lounge about guilt free!  This week I have given Sofia some time off from swimming laps with me since it is her first week of summer vacation.  I had been making her swim with me under the guise of keeping up her endurance over the summer for swim team but really I was just utilizing my eight years swimming ability to set my pace and to make it more fun for me! She humors me and swims with me when I tell her I want her to set my pace but really I could have used her in the ocean last week when I went for my tri clinic!  The kids will both be swimming laps this summer to ensure that they are ready for swim team in the fall but I plan on taking advantage of having some swim partners to make my swimming better as well.  I'm looking forward to a fun summer at the pool!  Her is a video of the girls with their friend Mia having fun together.

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