Monday, June 25, 2012

Father's Day

This year we went down to Rhode Island for Father's Day.  I was looking forward to being with my dad on Father's Day since I haven't been with him for the last few years while we were abroad.  My brother goes out on the boat with my Dad every year and this year we were able to join them.  We asked the kids if they wanted to go on the boat or go to the beach with Grandma and Michael since Michael gets seasick on the boat.  Even though our kids would love to go on the boat they would rather spend their time playing with their cousin so they went to the beach while Jason and I went on the boat with my Dad, Joe, Jenn, and Pat.  I haven't been fishing in years.  The skies were blue and the sun was shining but it wasn't quite warm enough for sunbathing so I got a fishing rod and started fishing for flounder.  I brought in five fish but only one was a keeper.   Between all of us we caught enough fish for everyone to bring some home.  After spending the morning on the boat we spent the afternoon at my brothers before heading home.  I dropped some bluefish off with a friend since no one in our family eats bluefish and took home some flounder for us to enjoy. I panned fried it like we had when I was a kid and it was delicious! I can't wait to go fishing again this summer...I definitely have missed time on the boat and fresh fish.

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